I know I'm not alone in that having your own website is like magically crafting your own digital realm. Here I feel truly free from feeling pressured to post perfectly on social media. It is incredibly therapeutic!
I am not techy enough to have set up this website completely on my own, as I had my techy dad help me. Yet ever since I got the basic structure down, I've become addicted to editing it.
I saw some devs call their personal website a 'digital garden', which couldn't be more true. It need perpetual snipping and pruning here and there, I always get very surprised (and even a bit concerned) when I see stats on some dead pages which I thought I deleted! How did someone get there? Who knows.
The importance of this website is I don't feel like it has to be practically perfect in every way. I don't feel eyes on me as I edit this. I feel like its ok for a site to shapeshift and change as you do. Even blogging has become a bit toxic for me, as the permanency makes be a bit anxious. Oh, the number of blogs I've made private and moved on.
In short, hey, thanks for reading all of this. Lets see how this page holds up under the waves of time.
All works copyright Vela Noble 2020-2024. The reposting of any art on this site is forbidden.