642 Things to Draw

2016-01-09 06:01:42

Awhile ago I stumbled across a cool book called 642 Things to Draw. It's basically what it sounds like, 600+ prompts for things to draw. I uncovered it while cleaning out my old condo over the holidays. I thought it was about time I made a habit out of tackling this book. Overall the variety of prompts leave room for some fun storytelling challenges. You're only limited by what you choose to draw within the frame. It's nice that some of the panels are rectangular and almost to a storyboard ratio. I feel it's important to not get 'stale' in the subject matter of what you draw, so part of my new (years) goal is to draw a bigger variety of people, places and things. Oh and not to mention work on my storytelling skills, composition and yada yada story artist lingo. Sitting in the Melbourne airport pouring over this book makes me feel like a kid scribbling in an activity book all over again. It's surprisingly entertaining to just see where a word prompt & your imagination can lead you.  I should try being bored more often.