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Lost My Boots Out Wandering

A project I started 11/12/2024.

A comic about a girl who runs away from home in the middle of the night as guided by a supernatural power.

This is actually a true story, but I accept nobody will think this is grounded in 'reality'. I realized, What matters is enjoying crafting a story. Most likely, people will feel more at ease thinking its purely fiction...

Everything I know about comics stems from my (very obsessive) love of the Berserk manga, which stands alone as a masterpiece and the best comic (or any story) I have ever had the pleasure of reading. That fixation I've had alone, has been inspiration enough for wanting to give comic creation a 'fair go'. I have dabbled in short comics all my life, but have never really full embraced it's a medium I want to truly tell stories in.

I am not trying to imitate my inspirations. I just love comics. Nuff said.

I may have attempted comics earlier, people kept obnoxiously urging me to. I wasn't ready to revisit this bizarre and often traumatic experience.

I'm also jumping around a bit in chronology because I wanted to draw when I wanted to draw.

I post updates to my Instagram.

Mature content! 18+

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Vela's Lost My Boots Out Wandering comic

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Lost My Boots Out Wandering Comic
All works copyright Vela Noble 2020-2025. The reposting of any art on this site is forbidden.